Island: GO! Driver Manual

Please bookmark this page and use this manual as a point of reference as it will be updated from time to time.


The driver app is designed to be simple and intuitive. It is critical to click the buttons on time to ensure ride tracking and ride verification. The app will prompt you at each stage of the ride. There are 4 steps to every ride:

You must never falsely swipe "arrive", "start" and "finish". We run exceptions reports that check GPS location and timings to detect anomalies. The customer will be refunded in these cases and your earnings will be reversed. Repeated offenses will lead to penalties or suspension.

Passenger's first

Reliability is everything. Passengers depend on you to be there if you accept their ride, trusting you to honor their ride requests and head directly to pick-ups without delay. It is important that passengers feel safe and comfortable. 


Maintaining a clean vehicle and appearance is essential for providing a pleasant and safe journey. As a driver, you embody our brand's values and image with every ride. Your professionalism, behavior, and the quality of service are direct reflections of our brand.

Vehicle compliance

Driver and device compliance

How it works

Instant orders

Driver app buttons

Driver app navigation


Special circumstances

Most trips go by without any issues. However:



Ride Payment

Cancellation fees

Order fees



You will be assigned to one of the below tariffs. Certain tariffs may be eligible to take rides at other tariff rates. 

Making changes

If your vehicle has changed, send an email to with your new documents and photos of your vehicle.

If need to change your payout email, you can do this in the wallet section of the app. Please note, you will also need to change the email registered with Deel. Both changes will need to be approved. You may miss payouts if either change has not been approved.